Sunday, November 16, 2008

Proud of being Modest ...?? How come ??

Modesty is something that is inborn in me. Now don't ask me what i have achieved to be modest about. I am not gonna give an answer to that because I am very modest (as simple as it is ) .

Now its not a joke . You may think it is very confusing but it is not. This is the truth. That truth is very simple .

I have suffered being modest. And I know many people around the world do(however none like me).I am unique while suffering too.

Being Modest has a lot of demerits. The disadvantages are step wise.. One leads to another and so on and so forth.

Being Modest gives you lot of respect in the society . People will start talking highly about you and therefore in search of that 'recognition' you will become more modest. What's wrong about it ?

Nothing wrong. However the after effects are serious. There will be a stage when you will develop a self-doubt on your abilities. This is very serious issue. Others can doubt on your ability but not you.Life is so cruel at this stage , It gives you situations in such a manner that you begin to believe that you are useless. And at this stage you will begin to think negative.Negativeness is nothing but you thinking that your opponent is superior to you.

And this is the stage when you become an UNDERDOG.

An Underdog can still win. The probability is less and that precisely why you are termed as an underdog. I am presently at this stage and that's the prime reason I love an Underdog winning against all odds.

I like movies which depict an Underdog Victory . Lagaan for instance is one such movie.The best thing about this movie is that the 'Villagers' themselves did not know
of the talent they possessed. Another wonderful movie that depicts an Underdog Victory is 'Chak De India'. The Basic difference between both these movies is the fact that the 'girls' in Chak de know about their talent and all they required was , motivation and proper training.

Now if you receive motivation and proper training , you will surely succeed. But What if you do not? . Life will give you opportunities at this stage for motivation . However if you become lazy dog at this stage , you are opening doors for self destruction which is popularly known as Inferiority complex.

If you have a mind that can think "How can a once modest ,once confident person like me have inferiority complex ?" , you will succeed. However the pitiable situation is that your mind wont think positively at this stage.

To come out of such a complex is very difficult.Try not to be in such a situation .

Now look at this cycle of events ..

a) Confident and Modest ..
b) Negativity and Still modest...
c) Underdog ( if u are modest still , you are a fool )
d) Inferiority complex...

Remember guys.. You must avoid being in such a life cycle.

Instead.. try this

a) Confident and Proud
b) Very confident and very proud
c) Over Confident and hence a loser but proud
d) Confident and proud again .

The best way to avoid being negative is being proud and not being modest.

You can act modesty (nothing wrong), but not really be modest.

I am proud that I am modest.

You may think how weird this is .. How can a person who claims that he is very modest and be proud about.Its confusing..Modesty and Pride are antonyms , is it not?

Whether I am Modest or not is for you to decide.

IF you have not understood this post ,there are only three possible reasons:
1) You have never been Modest in your life.
2) You have never been an Underdog.
3) You have never lost your Self confidence.

and if u are able to appreciate this post , I am sorry .... Try not to... !!!


insanely~positive said...

modesty is good, but sometimes people take you for granted.. the trick is to make others believe that you can change ya personality in a split second and revert... ;)

jaggu said...

dude r u trying to redifine d word 'modesty'..?

Dan* said...

interesting post i dunno my self am i modest ??

Varun said...

super da...:)

Varun said...

the title... itself tells a lot

syed razool said... are awesome