Sunday, October 15, 2006

An Amatuer's 'Tribute' to Poetry in poetry !

Wild imaginations give virtual tours ....!
Cute emotions Paint the souls ....!

Impressive style constitutes Faith ....!
Creative thoughts suspends disbelief ....!

Simple philosophy clears ignorance ....!
Satirical humour justifies society ....!

Your verses may be compact but not thoughts ....!
The thoughts are not deep but wide ....!

You give great pleasure ....!
To every artistic person its a treasure ....!

Yeah, it claims the name poetry ...!
Yeah, it claims the name poetry ...!

Hence I took the poetic license to expain its essence !!!


Anonymous said...

Dai nice one... that thank you jesus has its own reason... guess if u r clever enough!!!!!!!!

Sundararaman said...

vivek - thanks

basu- thanks but could not guess.