Saturday, May 16, 2009


Tomorrow was February 14.

He laughed to himself feeling a twang of a much deserved victory. “HA!” he added, for that extra punch. And so he read.The feeling of victory came down a few notches with every broken rhyme and unfinished thought. There were nearly 25 crumpled sheets in the waste paper bin.And late in the night finally he emptied the bin only to refill it with the sheets in which his handwriting was better. He finally had done it.

The 'learned' Brahmin looked down at the final fruit of his effort – 10 pages of the Devanagiri script. She had stressed it to be handwritten .Oh how she would love it!, he thought.She was the only reason that he was living. He loved her a lot. She was a damsel.

He slept with such satisfaction of having done something so utterly beautiful for someone who mattered so much to him. Tomorrow, he had to give it to her....
Early morning she dashed into his bed room ; hoping to find it there .
She looked at him. Asleep, with his legs awkwardly sprawled across the bed. How much more imperfect can one get, she mused. How she hated his dressing sense.She looked at the crumpled sheets of paper in the dustbin.She then looked at the papers on the bed neatly folded .She picked it up.She read it.She was not impressed.


She left before he woke up.
When he woke up , he saw that the papers that were kept beside him were missing. A sense of happiness engulfed him.

It was around 8 when he walked to the kitchen to grab a bite before he left for work. As he walked to the refrigerator to get some bread, something on the kitchen counter caught his eye. It was a plate. With a simple sandwich. “Wow! Breakfast! Since when did this happen?!” And below the plate was a note.

It read simply, “You should make your promises more carefully the next time. I know the sandwich is a little stale; I made it at 5 in the morning while you were snoring away like a pig. I’m just being nice to you today because you took efforts to write something..Did I not say to you that it had to be really good. Neway that was a big ask from you."

"I think I'll be just able to manage a 4 on 10 in my internals with this piece of 'you know what'!.I'll never delegate my homework and assignments to you again Dad !"

He had to admit at last.

The Sanskrit essay on love was really Bad.


Saravana Prabhu M said...

Beautiful piece of deceptive screenplay,and choice of words,,

Ladies and gentlemen we have here a champion Playwright...

Great Goin...

G Saimukundhan said...

To disappoint you, knowing Sundar and how his brain works, I knew the conclusion even before I completed the second Para.

A variant of this idea is something which I had tried before. And please ask MSP as to happened to that second "G" in that GOING in his comment?! It seems to be gone.

Good work though

Saravana Prabhu M said...

I admit i am bad at spellings (May be Even at English) but that "G" goin missin was on purpose.. i think they call it accent or something..

Sir I think what seems to be missing in your comment as well..