Monday, September 25, 2006

A Small Flashback !!!

I was sitting in my class in college....

The bell just rang and it was now the fourth and the final hour.All the previous hours were free and this hour was again was no exception.The professor took the attendance and went...It was boring......

Suddenly i had a sense of dejavu. It had been like this all through my high school days..... I had some reminisces.

The first period in the morning would be English followed by a spree of free periods coz either my commerce teacher would have some important work or our economics teacher would be lazy to climb up the stairs to come to our class.Since all the hours would be free , I would finish of my lunch by the third period maximum.Never in the history of my school life have i eaten my lunch inthe lunch breaks.!

I noticed that there was a change.I ofcourse is a backbencher in my college but I used to be the first bencher in my school not because i was studious.There would be a platform in front of me in the classroom from where the teacher would take class.She used to stand just in front of me and hold the book in her hands
and i would comfortably doze off right under her nose without she noticing in the first bench..!!

I used to love lunch breaks.It was tremendous fun .We guys would put a small bench outside the class into the narrow corridor.We used to sit on it and pass comments about every girl passerby.It would be merry.!

During free periods we used to talk,play,sing,have book revolving contests,pass comments,roam around corridors. The major time pass would be listening to cricket scores in the radio and I used to be amazed by the unity in which boys and girls would coopearate to this.All the crimes were committed together and all the punishments were recieved together.!

The science students would feel jealous.However these free periods became a bore in the due course of time..........

Suddenly the bell rang once more... The last hour went very fast. It was time to go home..As i packed my bag and stood up, I could not stop but notice a tear roll down my cheek....!
I wiped it.


Anonymous said...

You have kindled an urge to study once again at your school rather studied at a lifeless school... I should never miss you...

Anonymous said...

Too Kool Man... grt work....

Anonymous said...

Machan... semma da.... Really wonderful.... Perhaps jus made my sleeping ways in school refreshed....

Anonymous said...

Machan... semma da.... Really wonderful.... Perhaps jus made my sleeping ways in school refreshed....

S.VISMITh.. the previous 2 was mine...

Anonymous said...

sundar. great da. namma 12th la adicha kootha nalla ezhudhirka.. happy to read it. had a reminder of our days!!!

Kedhar said...

Hmmm... very touchin blog... i have a similar post name "Schools out forever"... similar feelings.. etc... we realise the value of certain things only after its lost or is no more... school life is one such thing...

Sundararaman said...

vivek - thoughts of going back to school a? . not possible

vismith - ya thanks

anonymous - thanks

easwar - ya , tats wat wanted.

kedhar - very precise.